Exploring the Life-Death-Life Cycle
May 19, 2020
We’ve all heard the phrase with every ending comes a new beginning. Right? But did you ever really stop and think about it.
Endings are inevitable.
- We fall in love, all is well, but with time our values and needs change, so we decide to end the relationship.
- We go to primary school, high school, maybe university and beyond, then with graduation, our formal education ends.
- We get land a job. We work hard for however long it takes to become disenchanted, seek something new, or get laid off.
- We get married. We start a family. And with each new role — mother, father, spouse, head-of-household, friend — another past identity evolves or fades away.
Endings are a part of life; and beginnings are inherently dependent upon them. Endings and beginnings can’t exist without the other.
While beginnings are viewed with excitement and vitality, endings are approached with fear and sadness.
Beginnings are viewed as success, yet endings are viewed as failure.
Our society tends to celebrate quantity — how long we stay in a job, survive in a marriage — but fail to even acknowledge quality. (How many “long” relationships do you know that are dysfunctional)?
We equate change with disruption and turmoil. Consistency with peace and stability.
And to top it all off…we qualify ALL OF IT!
Stable = good
Disruption = bad
It’s such a strange phenomenon.
And, like all the other endings we might experience in life, death is by far the most feared. The most taboo. The most avoided. Yet, the only certainty we have in life!
So why we are so afraid of endings?
I don’t have the answers, but I’m committed to asking the questions and changing the conversation around death, end-of-life and our societal fear of “endings”.
In the video below, Natalie Levy of She’s Independent — a women’s empowerment collective — and Life Mastery Consultant Kevin Carton — who helps people discover and live their soul’s purpose — join me for a conversation on the Life-Death-Life Cycle. This cycle explores how the inevitable endings we experience throughout life are merely doors to new beginnings.
Watch the video and leave us any comments or questions to keep the conversation going! I continue posting videos of virtual chats here on the moveTHRU blog. If you would like to follow the conversation live, follow me and moveTHRU on Instagram or sign-up for the moveTHRU newsletter.
xx – Emily
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